
Useful Tips - Why you MUST honour your word ???

Especially For Those Who Do Not Understand About Integrity & Respecting Others.

Bad Habits Will Not Only Harm Your Life, Eventually Your Children Will Learn All The Bad Habits & Attitudes From You...

What does that mean then?

Honouring your word is something that is taken far too lightly in my opinion. Too many people make empty promises without realising the damage of them.

And I am not just talking about making promises to other people either. I am talking about honouring the things you promise yourself.

Nothing is more powerful in building your own self esteem than honouring your promises to yourself.

I put that in bold because I want you to read it and really understand what it means. Read it 5 times if you need to. I cannot stress the importance of that statement enough.

And why is your self esteem important in being the best you can be? Why is it important in being successful? How will it help you reach your goals faster?

Because self esteem is how you feel about yourself. It builds your self image. Your self image is how you see yourself. Your identity. And the most important element of goal achievement is your identity.

Let me give you a common example.
If say you are a smoker and you want to quit then the most important step you must take first is to see yourself as a non smoker. If you do not do this first, then the rest of the process will be a battle that is life consuming. You will be battling against who you believe you are.

And who you believe you are - is who you demonstrate to the world.

So, what has this to do with honouring your word?

Every time you fail to honour your word, you damage your self esteem and ultimately the self image you hold of yourself. Your confidence takes a hit.

BUT every time you DO honour your word, you build your self esteem and your confidence goes up a notch. And when your confidence goes up a notch, you perform better, you have more belief and you achieve BETTER results.

And RESULTS is what you want isn't it?

I hope it is. Otherwise you may as well not be reading this.

So, make sure you take your own word very seriously. Only make commitments and decisions that you fully intend on following through on.

Do not become the "YES" person who just says yes to everyone to please them in the moment only to go and let them down in the future.

Most importantly, do NOT do this with yourself. Do not make a decision in the present without the intention of following through in the future.

To help you succeed with this, make sure you have strong support around you to help keep you on track with your commitments.

ALSO make sure that you only make decisions to yourself that you 100% believe you are going to honour. Start as small as you need to and build it up just like you would a muscle, making it stronger every day.

I did this when I first started training in the gym. I would say "today I will make sure I complete 10 reps at this weight even if it is all that I do" and slowly but surely I got stronger and more confident in what I could do BUT most importantly what I would do. After a short while I would walk into the gym knowing that when I left I would have enjoyed a great workout. This empowered me massively. Not the fact that I could lift more weight but the fact that I knew I would DO WHAT I SAID before I even got there. This gave me belief.

I took this belief into everything I did. I honestly believe that this belief transferred into my relationships with people, into my work, into every area of my life and it provided the building blocks to leave a cushy job years later and start my own business with no prior experience or clients. But I had the confidence and it came from honouring my own word.

Start today.

Do what you say you will. Start small. Build it up each day and watch your confidence soar.

Inspiring you to be the best you can be.

Thank You Very Much & Credits To All Original Sources.

Useful Tips - Year End Reflections & Actions 2017

From time to time, I worry if there’s enough time to get anything meaningful accomplished before 2016 ends. I want to make sure that I avoid this in 2017.

If you don’t focus on your goals, you will always be reacting instead of creating the life you want.

Chances are, most of us have a big, beautiful vision for our lives – personal and professional.

The critical questions are:
1. How are you defining your goals in actionable steps?
2. Are you setting aside time to focus and outline these goals?
3. How do you remain accountable for these goals?

It’s difficult to be still to think of what you TRULY want. It’s even tougher to break these goals into specific targets and timeline.

While we are at it, can I implore you to focus on your goals?

Ask yourself these 3 questions:
1. What are the 3 things I want to accomplish in 2017?
2. What are the steps I need to reach these goals?
3. What are my monthly checklists so I can be accountable and committed to these goals?

Answering the first question will require some time, reflections and a huge dose of realism. Force yourself to figure out what you need to help yourself. Work on these goals with single-minded dedication.

Verbalising your goals and committing to them will keep you clear and on track.

Don't Wait For Things To Happen !!!

A new year is your chance to go from dreaming about what you want, to building it. If you need help, feel free to contact me.

Stay true to your hopes and dreams!

A Merry Christmas and a smashing 2017 to all of you.

Good Luck To You !!!

Useful Article - Only We Can Help Ourselves:

Pink Colour Lucky Star Magic Amulet For Powerful Wish Fulfilling, Good Luck & Protection Magic

The Lucky Star Magic Amulet Infused With Special Detoxifying Magic Subject For Removing Negative Energies & Bad Lucks From The Owner.

Tested & Proven Magic Amulet With Real Life Experiences Worldwide


Size: 3 x 4 cm

Can Wear Above Or Below Waist Level (In Bag/Pocket)

Front Of Magic Amulet

Back Of Magic Amulet

Tested & Proven Real Life Experiences & Results !!!

and many many more...

General Enhancements & Effects:
  • Boost Your Luck Greatly; Change Bad To Good Luck (Detoxify*** Bad Luck & Negative Energies)
  • Good For Wish-Making & Fulfilling; Pray For any wishes & it will help you
  • Enhances Your Loving-Kindness (Ren Yuan/Metta), Charm and Attraction (Maha Saney)
  • Career Progression in Corporate ladder & Gain Recognition in different aspects of life
  • Boost Your Wealth Fetching, Gambling/Investment, Businesses & Sales Luck greatly
  • Protection against Dangers & Negative energies
    Especially for Users:
    • That are in very bad state (Business Failure, Unemployed, and etc.)
    • Maneuver your life smoothly against all tides 
    • Combat resistance in differ aspects of life
    • Provide directional control against deviation (Guidance)
    Maker Of Item:
    LP Erp ,Wat Nong Mor Kang

    Composition Of Materials:
    • Old Holy Powders From LP Pinak
    • Mixture Of Herbs, Flowers, and Holy Powders

    LP Erp passed away in May BE2558. LP Erp, Wat Nong Mor Kang, become popular by his powerful Lucky Star amulet that learnt from LP Pinak. Before LP Erp ordained, he was one of rich in Nakhon Sawan province that he had farm 68 acres, 300 cows, 100 buffalos and other but he sold everything and donated the money to build the temple.

    All general enhancements & effects are a basic guide for users to understand the general usages and energy base of each item.

    I would like to re-emphasis all different magic amulets/charms/wax are made with different magic subjects and ingredients producing different level of energy to help the wearer to achieve their goals or needs in life.

    For Example - Buddha XXX amulet contain different energy base as Buddha XYZ, although both have the same common name or category. Common mistake is to believe all amulets with same common name contain the same energy for enhancements.

    Please use all my magic amulets for the right purpose, don’t abuse the magic of the amulet to harm others.

    Experience The Magical Power Of Our Magic Amulets & Charms Today.

    Your Absolute Satisfaction Is Guaranteed !!! Highest Quality !!!

    Read Our Guide Page For Magic Amulets:

    Discover Why Our Users Keep Coming Back For More:

    Subject To Courier Fee, Shipping Worldwide & Waterproof Encasement Fee.

    We Accept Secured PayPal Payment, Singapore/Malaysia/International Bank Transfer & Western Union.

    For More Info: Email/Whatsapp to: / +65 90254185.

    Useful Tips - How To Overcome Your Difficulties

    " LIFE IS SIMPLE !!! I always reply this phase when my Users are trying to complicate their issues and problems in daily life...

    Facing With Real Problems In Life !!! Stop Worrying !!! Fix It !!! No Point Keep Asking For Solutions And Not Taking Any Actions...

    Especially For My Users who always feel they are full of obstacles and troubles everyday, Please kindly read through and understand this article

    Important Messages To 2 Special* Group Of Readers:

    1st Group: I realized that some online sellers started to copy my articles and even stealing screenshots of testimonials of my Users....TO THOSE COPY CATS PLEASE HAVE A what really can help people...stop cheating those innocent people with fake lotteries tickets....or testimonials involving casino winnings....taking photo of money "cash"....if you need money please message me, i can donate some to you all.

    Another group are the Stalkers for my blog - No point for you all to stalk and read my users' enhanced experiences and life, start facing your problems in life and change your destiny progressively 

    Example Of Such Stalker !!!

    Good Luck To All !!! "

    Worry and Fear 

    " Are you worried? Are you miserable? 

    If so, you are invited to read this booklet. The theme of this booklet is dedicated to you and to those who worry themselves unduly – even unto death! Worries and miseries are twin evils that go hand in hand. They co-exist in this world. If you feel worried, you are miserable! If you are miserable, you are worried. We must face facts. Although we cannot run away from them, we must not let these twin evils of worry and misery overcome us. We must overcome them. We can do so by our own human efforts, correctly directed with determination and patience. With proper understanding and carefully applied intelligence, we should be able to subdue our emotional feelings and do away with worries and miseries. Our worries are of our own making. We create them in our own minds, through our inability or failure to understand the danger of our egoistic feelings and our inflated and false values of things. If only we could see things in their proper perspective in that nothing is permanent in this world and that our own egoistic self is our wild imagination running riot in our untrained mind, we should be going a long way to finding the remedy to eradicate our worries and miseries. We must cultivate our minds and hearts to forget about self and to be of service and use to humanity. This is one of the means whereby we can find real peace and happiness. "

    Many people have longings and hankering, fear and anxieties which they have not learnt to sublimate and are ashamed to admit them even to themselves. But these unwholesome emotions have force. No matter how we may try to bottle them up they seek a release by disordering the physical machinery resulting in chronic illnesses. All these can be repelled by correct methods of meditation or mental culture, because the untrained mind is the main cause of such worries. Whenever you have worries in your mind, don’t show your sulky face to each and every person you come across. You should reveal your worries only to those who really can help you. How nice it would be if you could maintain your smiling face in spite of all the difficulties confronting you. This is not very difficult if only you really try. Many teenagers worry too much when their friendship with the opposite sex is lost. They often plan even to commit suicide compelled by the plight of frustration and disappointment. Some find place in lunatic asylums. Many such broken-hearted youths lead miserable lives. All these unfortunate events happen due to a lack of understanding the real nature of life. Somehow or other departure or separation is unavoidable. This may happen sometimes at the beginning of a life career; sometimes in the middle and sometimes at the end; it is certainly unavoidable. When such things happen one must try to find out where the cause lies. However, if the separation is beyond control one must have the courage to bear it out by realising the nature of life. But on the other hand it is not difficult for anyone to find new friends, to fill the vacuum if one really wants to.

    Fears are nothing more than states of mind. One’s state of mind is subject to control and direction; the negative use of thoughts produces out fears; the positive use realises our hopes and ideals, and in these cases the choice rests entirely with ourselves. Every human being has the ability to completely control his own mind. Nature has endowed man with absolute control over but one thing, and that is thought. This fact, coupled with the additional fact that everything which man creates begins in the form of a thought, leads one very near to the principle by which fear may be mastered. A noted British anatomist was once asked by a student what was the best cure for fear, and he answered, “Try doing something for someone”. The student was considerably astonished by the reply, and requested further enlightenment whereupon his instructor said, “You can’t have two opposing sets of thoughts in your mind at one and the same time”. One set of thoughts will always drive the other out. If, for instance, your mind is completely occupied with an unselfish desire to help someone else, you can’t be harbouring fear at the same time. “Worry dries up the blood sooner than the age.” Fears, worries and anxieties in moderation are natural instincts of self-preservation. But constant fear and prolonged worry are unfailing enemies to the human organism. They derange the normal bodily functions. If you have learned how to please others, you always will be in a good mood. This is because your mind does not allow worries to be accommodated in it.

    Extracted From The Book - How To Overcome Your Difficulties

    Thanks & Credits To Original Sources

    Our Helping Hands - To Help Others

    I will be publishing external organisations that we can help them by simple donations. Do share with me if you have similar info so I can continue to update this page.

    Link -

    Link To The Organisation:


    The Art Faculty is a platform to promote the special talents of people with autism and related challenges. Individuals with autism have different abilities, gifting and talents. They too have aspirations in life and if given the right opportunity and support, they can contribute meaningfully to society.

    The Art Faculty is designed for interchangeability and functionality. It is an art gallery, a training ground, a studio, a shopping venue, a DIY workshop buffet space as well as an art café. It is set up to encourage the larger community to come and know more about autism and appreciate the art created by these unique individuals.

    The Art Faculty features the artwork and merchandise of talented students and alumni of Pathlight School who are in the school’s Artist Development Programme (ADP). Under the ADP, student artists are nurtured and taught by professional art teachers. They are given opportunities to exhibit their works and have them developed into high quality products and merchandise. Artists earn royalties from the sale of their artwork and merchandise.

    Useful Tips - 10 Ways Of Making Merits:

    Note - All donations & funds give to the external organisations published are for helping others, I do not gain from these donations. 

    For the person (you know who you are) copying my page's info to use in their page's content, please do it only if you really wish to help others.

    Thank You Very Much. Good Luck

    The Symbol Of Eternity Love Magic Amulet For Extreme Attraction, Charm & Lust Magic Spells

    The Real Attraction, Love & Lust Magic Amulet Is Here...Why Worry...

    100% Tested & Proven Enhancements & Results - The Perfect Magic Amulet For Love & Relationship Problems

    Fully Hand Engraved From Rare Magic Wood & Blessed With High Power Love Magic Subjects

    "Good Good !!! My Businesses Picking Up & Old Friends Contacting Me Back" Quoted From Satisfied User Using This Version Of Yin Ku Amulet (Proven Magic Subject !!!)

    Warnings To All Users: Not For Abusing & Harming Others !!!

    Size: 3 cm wide x 4 cm height

    Can Wear Below Or Around Waist Level (In Bag/Pocket)

    Suitable For LGBT/UNISEX

    Soaked In Powerful Magic Attraction Oil + Hand-Written Magic Symbols On The Body Of The Amulet

    Special Magic Powders Inserted At The Base Of Amulet

    Real Attraction & Charm Magic Exists !!!

    Please Take Note - High Energy/Vibration Infused For Love, Charming & Mesmerising Power

    The Symbol Of Love: Yin Ku/Yin Tong/In Ku Amulet

    Amulet in the form of couple is the ancient amulet in Thai belief. It represents love and charm. Northern people believe worshiping Yin Ku/In Ku will make wearer gain mercy from people (Loving Kindness/Metta). Having In Ku at home will bring harmony to family. Besides, In Ku will bring good luck, wealth and peacefulness.

    Turn Your Situation Around, Changing those who were Once Your Enemy, to become your Friends, and, in the case of the Opposite Sex (or Same Sex) to Fall in Love with You

    General Enhancements & Effects:

    • Boosting Of Your Metta (Ren Yuan/Loving-Kindness), Attraction ,Charm & Boosting your Sex Appeal/Lust (Maha Saney) To The Highest Level
    • Pray For Your Wishes For Love, Charming & Networking Related Aspects
    • Improves Your Benefactors Luck In Your Daily Life

    Especially For Those:
    • To Be Super Popular In Your Social Circle!!! Be Attractive and Charming for both opposite sex (UNISEX/LGBT)
    • Single, always a LOSER in LOVE LIFE and wish to attract a SOUL MATE
    • To Charm back your Ex-Lovers
    • Enhance your current relationship for those who always had ISSUES with their lovers or problematic relationships (To make your partner love you again*** - Experiences feelings of hopelessness regarding the survival of marriage)
    • In Customer Service/Sales/Business Owners to handle NASTY Clients or Built Rapport** fast (Networking & Close Deals Usages)

    Composition Of Holy Materials:
    Yin Ku Image Engraved From Magic Wood & Magic Powders Inserted At The Base Of Amulet

    Tested & Proven Results From Ying Tong Magic !!! Experience The Real Magical Enhancements Today

    and many many more...

    What Clients told us about our Amulets…

    Your Absolute Satisfaction Is Guaranteed!

    Siam Gallery’s Clients have true experiences and Remarkable Improvements in life after trusting Siam Gallery & Our Amulets. In life, we may meet people that have evil intentions when we faced downturns or heart broken, despite not helping us they choose to cheat our money to purchase their amulets that will harm us or are simply fakes. I hope you can be blessed by wearing our genuine amulets that are directly from Temples.

    Special Katha & Instructions Will Be Provided Upon Purchased If Any. (Siam Gallery Don't Provide Katha To Users that bought their Amulets from other IRRESPONSIBLE & UNETHICAL SOURCES)

    Subject To Courier Fee, Shipping Worldwide & Case Wrapping Fee (Optional)

    Accept PayPal, Bank Transfer, Western Union

    Please Email/Whatsapp/Line/Wechat/Call no. to: / +65 90254185 / siam-gallery

    The *101 Lovers Salika* Magic Amulet For Purest Same Sex Love, Lust, Attraction & Relationships

    For Pre-Ordering Only: Don't Miss It. Subject To Availability. 1st Come 1st Served

    This Version Is A Must Have For All Same Sex Love Users With Special Divination* Magic Subject Infused

    Rare To Find Real Magic Amulet That Focus For Same Sex Usages Nowadays. So Don't Miss The This Powerful Amulet...

    Size: 1 x 5 cm

    100% Made With Natural Herbs & Oil For Charming And Attraction, No Spirits Involved

    How To Use The Amulet & Special Divination* ???

    *The owner can use this magic amulet to predict the result of their wish.*

    For example - if you like a person and want to know whether you will get the target to be your lover or not, you can pray the mantra with the Takrut at night before you sleep.

    In the morning, if the 2 Takruts embrace and combine together, it means that you have high possibility to be together with this target.

    Please Pray The Special Mantra Provided & Your Wishes Daily For Best Effects

    Can Be Wear Below Waist Level (In Pocket/Bag)

    Simple To Use, No Offerings Required

    The Same* Sex Love. Lust. Attraction. Relationships. Magic Subjects Powered By The Secret 101 Lovers Salika Takruts That Are Blessed Spiritual Alive.

    According To Legend - This *101 Lovers magic subject* belonged to a governor who dominate 101 cities in the past and the most beautiful women from 101 cities are his wives so, he was called as “Governor 101 wives” because he has 101 wives from 101 cities.

    The magic salika takruts are soaked in special lust charming oil which made from sesame oil and blessed in an ancient magic bowl. This special magic oil can change colour from transparent to be muddy or yellowish after wearing/praying.

    The cover of the takrut is made from alloy of holy metals & stones including The Powerful Stone named “Peacock Ore", this special ore can attract money and good luck to the owner.

    General Enhancements & Effects (Pure LGBT Magic):
    • Support Destiny & Find True Happiness In Term Of Love For The Owner
    • Refinement Of Your Metta (Ren Yuan/Loving-Kindness), Attraction ,Charm & Increase your Sex Appeal ( Maha Saney ) To The Highest Level - Bewitching and Enchanting Seductive Magnetism
    • Pray For Your WIshes For Love, Charming & Attraction Related Aspects
    • Sharpen your Persuading, Convincing & Negotiation Power (Communication Skills) - Ideal For Sales & Business Application
    Tailored For Those Users:
    • To Be Popular In Your Social Circle!!! Be Attractive and Charming (ONLY FOR UNISEX/LGBT)
    • Single, always not a WINNER in LOVE LIFE and wish to attract a SOUL MATE
    • To Charm back your Ex-Lovers
    • Enhance your current relationship for those who always had ISSUES with their lovers or problematic relationships (To make your partner love you again*** - Experiences feelings of hopelessness regarding the survival of marriage)
    • In Customer Service/Sales/Business Owners to handle NASTY Clients or Built Rapport** fast 
    Composition Of Holy Materials:
    2 Hand Written Takruts With Magic Symbols Of 101 Lovers Salika

    Your Absolute Satisfaction Is Guaranteed!!! Highest Quality!!!

    Discover Why Our Customers Keep Coming Back For More?

    Special Katha & Instructions Will Be Provided Upon Purchased If Any. (Siam Gallery Don't Provide Katha To Users that bought their Amulets from other IRRESPONSIBLE & UNETHICAL SOURCES)

    All Amulets Are Limited, So Act Now !!! 100% Directly From Temples !!! Don’t Miss Out !!!

    Subject To Courier Fee, Shipping Worldwide & Case Wrapping Fee (Optional)

    Accept PayPal, Bank Transfer, Western Union.

    For More Info:
    Email/Whatsapp/Line/Wechat/Call no. to: / +65 90254185 / siam-gallery