
Useful Tips - Law Of Attraction

" I advise all my users to be positive everyday and goods will come to us very soon....just think, plan, do...

Repeat The Cycle For Different Task In Life, I believe You Will Achieve What You Need & Want In Life Or Fix Your Problems...

Be Simple & You Find Many Solutions Out Of Your Issues You Facing !!!

Whatever You Wish To Do, Just Make Sure It Do Not Cause Any Damages or Harm To Others. "

" This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from "pure energy", and the belief that like energy attracts like energy. "

Enjoy Reading !!!

This article will sound like complete bullshit to the conservative mind. If you can go into the reading with an open mind and are willing to try the methods described with the intention of attracting good things to your life, please proceed. However, if you are already swaying towards skepticism, please save this article for a time when you are dying for a change or confident that this method could work for you. This might be the most important and eye-opening article you will read in your entire life so plan accordingly. Thank you

Introduction to The Law Of Attraction: Many of you have probably heard of the Law of Attraction, The Secret, visualization, or some of the other popular manifestations of this technique, but most likely do not fully know what it is. Basically if you spend some time each day visualizing (yes, imagining) YOUR idea, exactly what you have decided what you want. And you do this on a daily basis. And believe 100% that by doing such things, that ideal will manifest itself in your life. And if you expect to see results regardless of how improbable such results may be.. You WILL see results. You are in complete control of your life/destiny/future, you just haven’t grabbed the reigns yet. If you like what you’re hearing and want to grab them, keep on reading.

Basics: Manifesting your ideal is not as hard as it sounds. If you meditate daily, you are already half way there in fact. But meditation is only one of many many ways for you to visualize what you want. I’m getting to far ahead of myself already, so here are the basics:

1. Decide what you want. This is by far the hardest part of the whole process, believe it or not. When you actually start analyzing everything, you’ll probably realize that you didn’t even want what you thought you wanted that badly. You need to figure out what you want more than anything else, no matter how impossible the goal may sound right now. Millionaire? Sure. Billionaire? Even better. Or maybe you just want to get a girl/boyfriend or want to lose weight. Anything you want. Decide on three things to start off with. One small goal, one medium goal, and one crazy goal.

2. Choose a method by which you feel most confident in your ability to visualize or imagine your ideal— your life when everything that you want has come to you. Some people take walks, some sit in the dark, and some meditate in parks. Whatever the way, it needs to be relaxing and as quiet as possible. Make sure you’re doing something where you won’t be disturbed for at least 30 minutes, if not an hour. Be comfortable, but don’t lay down or you might find more sleep coming into your life instead of your ideal.

3. Create your fantasy by just letting your mind wander for the first few times. For example, let’s say the goal is to lose weight. Imagine looking at yourself in the mirror and looking amazing. You have lost XXX lbs and are extremely happy with yourself. Then you walk outside of your house and someone walks by and comments on how thin you look. So, to reiterate, you are imagining the time when your goal has been completed, NOT how you are going to get there. Your responsibility is to have the will, not the way. The universe will figure out the method for you. Anyways, keep building the fantasy until you have a series of events that you can visualize happening everyday. Repitition is key. Do the same for your other goals as well. The fantasy doesn’t have to be split up into goal sections either, in fact, combining goals in one fantasy is encouraged. For example, if your three goals are losing weight, finding a job and getting a new BMW, visualize your very thin self driving to your new job in your new BMW. If you are having trouble visualizing/using your imagination, try clearing your head first and not thinking of anything for 1 minute.

4. Repeat. Visualize this fantasy everyday for at least 30 minutes to an hour, or more if you feel so inclined. Follow the same storyline again and again. The whole point of this is engraining your ideal into your subconscious, which is the way in which you communicate with the Universal Mind. Your conscious mind creates the ideal, then imprints it onto the subconscious, which relays the goal to Universal Mind and puts it to work at attaining the goal. Also, put as much emotion into your visualization as possible. When something that would give you tremendous joy occurs in your fantasy, smile and feel that happiness. If it’s your ideal life, you should be smiling for a good amount of the time you’re visualizing, right?

5. Expect signs and results. If you come across something that could be an opportunity to achieve your goal, seize it. For example, if you are a guy visualizing yourself on a date with a beautiful girl and you run into an old friend who got hot over the years, ASK HER OUT. Or if you see a poster for a speed dating event, it is NOT just coincidence. If you are visualizing well and consistently, you should be coming across an unusual, if not insane amount of serendipitous events, happenstance type things. Realize that they occured because of your visualization and that you are getting closer to your ideal. But you will never get there unless you act upon serendipity, upon opportunity, so be assertive! Even take risks, just know that it will turn out okay. BE OPTIMISTIC! You’re ideal is closer than ever and closing in.

Other Tips:

– Positive things come to positive people, so practice a good demeanor about life. Enjoy every day and stop complaining. Don’t hate people, that’s negative energy. The more positive you are, the stronger your attraction for positive things is going to be. Negativity cancels out visualizing.

– Visualize every day, being consistent is one of the most important parts of the process.

– If you are having trouble believing or manifesting, visualize something smaller and easier to attain, but out of the ordinary. If it’s small enough and you are at least visualizing correctly and with belief, you will most definitely see results. Those results will increase your belief and passion in visualization, thus giving you the ability to manifest larger goals. Work your way up if necessary, but remember that anything is possible.

– If you are either having problems either deciding what you truly want or having trouble visualizing, meditation is highly recommended. You don’t need to take a class or to sit in a lotus position, just sit somewhere quiet, make yourself comfortable and close your eyes. Take 3 deep breaths into your nose and out of your mouth and then, as mentioned before, try to empty your mind completely for a minute before attempting to visualize. If your mind strays from your fantasy during visualization, open your eyes, shake your head, and then close your eyes and continue.

Books (These are the books that I read in order when I became aware of the Law of Attraction and began using it in my freshman year of college. They go really well together and will turn a skeptic into a hugely successful visualizer)

1. For Those Still Unconvinced:

The New Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Maltz – This book is the best first read for those getting into the Law of Attraction. Maltz slowly and thoroughly explains why the law exists and why visualization works. This will convince anyone that the Law of Attraction is REAL and able to be used by anyone at anytime. For each chapter, he backs up his assertion with evidence steming from simple logic, science, Christianity and other religions. So no matter what your quip is, Maltz will persuade you. Buy it in our online store!

2. For Those Wanting To Better Understand Visualization:

The Master Key System by Charles Haanel – This book explains visualization from step 1 to step 24. Yes, it goes that , but with concise chapters that each end in an exercise that should be done to increase visualization ability. The Master Key System is the definitive guide to The Law of Attraction and makes it unbelievably understandable and easy with its step-by-process.

3. For Those With Extreme/Risky/Unpopular/Crazy Dreams

The Innovative Mind by Gene Landrum – If your dream isn’t going over well with your family and friends or if it is so out there that even you are worried it might be impossible or too risky, this is the book for you. It will:

– dispell your fears and then some

– get you ridiculously excited about the goal you used to fear

– might get you a little cocky since it focuses on how few people can have such goals

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