Interesting Facts - Worship To Grand Duke Tai Sui (拜太岁) 2021

Worship To Grand Duke Tai Sui (拜太岁) 2021 ??? YEAR OF OX

Who Should Pray “Tai Sui” FOR YEAR 2021 ?

Praying to the “Tai Sui” will help Devotee remove the bad luck incurred due to the clashes with “Tai Sui”, if Devotee clashes with the “Tai Sui” Deity; Devotee can go to temple and pray to the “Tai Sui” Deity for safety.

Each “Tai Sui” Deity’s authority will only last for 1 year

Therefore, Devotee must remember to thank the “Tai Sui” Deity for the protection throughout the year before the Winter Solstice.

When Should Pray?
1st Lunar Month 1st - 15th

Where To Pray In Singapore ?

Traditional place where old ladies worship to Grand Duke (Tai Sui):

Opposite Bugis Temple Of Guan Yin

2th Floor

269C Queen St

Singapore 183269

Who is Tai Sui (太岁) - Grand Duke Jupiter

Tai Sui, also known as Grand Duke Jupiter or Grand Commander of the Year is probably one of the most highly respected and feared deity in the Chinese beliefs. It is said that if your Zodiac animal clashes with the Tai Sui or you have inadvertently offended him, bad luck will befall you for the whole year. In order to have a good and peaceful year, you need to pay your respect to the Tai Sui.

There are two diverging explanation on the origin of Tai Sui. According to the scientific school of thought the Tai Sui phenomena is attributable to the movement of Jupiter (hence the name Grand Duke Jupiter), which impacts the magnetic field around us, depending on the year we were born.

Whereas in the Chinese mythology, the Grand Duke Jupiter or more commonly known as Tai Sui(太岁) is actually a position in the celestial heavens which is in charge of the world's affairs for a particular year, i.e. determining the annual fortunes of all of us mortal beings. Just as the Jade Emperor is the Ruler of Heaven, the year Tai Sui is the Ruler of Earth. The above is related to the Taoist calendar which is organized into a series of twelve Earthly Branches (the Chinese Zodiac animals) rotating in accordance to the five elements, resulting in a 60 year cycle. And in other words, there are 60 heavenly generals who would rotate to take up this almighty position. A person's happiness, health, luck and fortune are all under his watchful eye. It actually serves as a reminder to stay away from evil activities, to take good care of health and to perform more caring activities. The year Tai Sui will take note of all the good deeds and misdeeds of everyone.

Therefore irrespective of whether Tai Sui is a deity or a star (a “body of energy”), it pays to heed the location of the Tai Sui of the year so as not to inadvertently disturb him (or it!). An offended Tai Sui will cause misfortunes, from mild to the severe kind. Every year two of the Zodiac animals must take steps to appease the Tai Sui because one is directly afflicted (sitting) whilst the other is directly in conflict (facing) with the Grand Duke. As Tai Sui is always located in the same compass direction as the Year Animal Sign, this is the afflicted Zodiac whilst the sign in the diagonally opposite sector is said to be in conflict with Tai Sui.

The 60 Tai Sui Chart

Yearg Tai SuiSectorAfflictedConflict
1996Guo JiaN2RatHorse
1997Wang WenNE1OxSheep
1998Lu XianNE3TigerMonkey
1999Long ZhongE2RabbitRooster
2000Dong DeSE1DragonDog
2001Zheng DanSE3SnakePig
2002Lu MingS2HorseRat
2003Wei RenSW1SheepOx
2004Fang JieSW3MonkeyTiger
2005Jiang ChongW2RoosterRabbit
2006Bai MinNW1DogDragon
2007Feng JiNW3PigSnake
2008Zou DangN2RatHorse
2009Fu YouNE1OxSheep
2010Wu HuanNE3TigerMonkey
2011Fan NingE2RabbitRooster
2012Peng TaiSE1DragonDog
2013Xu DanSE3SnakePig
2014Zhang CiS2HorseRat
2015Yang XianSW1SheepOx
2016Guan ZhongSW3MonkeyTiger
2017Tang JieW2RoosterRabbit
2018Jiang WuNW1DogDragon
2019Xie TaiNW3PigSnake
2020Lu MiN2RatHorse
2021Yang XinNE1OxSheep
2022He ENE3TigerMonkey
2023Pi ShiE2RabbitRooster
2024Li ChengSE1DragonDog
2025Wu ZhuSE3SnakePig
2026Wen ZheS2HorseRat
2027Lu BingSW1SheepOx
2028Yu HaoSW3MonkeyTiger
2029Cheng BaoW2RoosterRabbit
2030Ni MiNW1DogDragon
2031Ye JianNW3PigSnake
2032Qiu DeN2RatHorse
2033Zhu DeNE1OxSheep
2034Zhang ChaoNE3TigerMonkey
2035Wang QingE2RabbitRooster
2036Xin YaSE1DragonDog
2037Yang YanSE3SnakePig
2038Li QingS2HorseRat
2039Fu DangSW1SheepOx
2040Mao XinSW3MonkeyTiger
2041Shi ZhengW2RoosterRabbit
2042Hong ChongNW1DogDragon
2043Yu ChengNW3PigSnake
2044Jin BianN2RatHorse
2045Chen CaiNE1OxSheep
2046Geng ChangNE3TigerMonkey
2047Shen XinE2RabbitRooster
2048Zhao DaSE1DragonDog
2049Guo ChanSE3SnakePig
2050Wang JiS2HorseRat
2051Li SuSW1SheepOx
2052Liu WangSW3MonkeyTiger
2053Kang ZhiW2RoosterRabbit
2054Shi GuangNW1DogDragon
2055Ren BaoNW3PigSnake

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