Helping you to have better health, good luck, charisma, charm, wealth & overcome your obstacles everyday.
Note - "Five Element Medicine Buddha Holy Herbs Powders" will be prescribed & customised according to your DATE OF BIRTH.

MUST USE & YOU WILL KNOW THE RESULTS !!! For a limited time period for our members' pre-ordering only, case by case basis - Current waiting time: "2 months"

What Are The Five Elements?

The original meaning of the Chinese ideogram xing (行) , which we translate as “element,” is actually “action.” The Five Elements could more appropriately be called the Five Actions or Five Phases. The “elements” have no concrete, independent existence of their own, but represent the complex relationships in the flow of life. The Five Elements are aspects of one universal life force, or vital energy, which the Chinese called “qi.”
The individual elements are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. In nature, the qualities and relationships of the elements manifest in the seasonal cycle of the year:

Benefits Of Incense/Smoke Offering -
Incense-smoke is not only an offering of fragrant smell but it forms a medium for visualization of a much greater and multifarious offering. The incense and other substance to be burnt are first purified through a deep meditative dissolution into the state of Emptiness. Then, the billows of smoke, which illusorily arise from the expanse of Emptiness, are transformed through a meditative projection into immeasurable clouds of wonderful items of offering.

1. The enlightened beings such as the Buddhas who are objects of veneration.
2. The celestial deities such as the Dharma Protectors who possess noble qualities.
3. The Sentient Beings of six realms, who are suffering in the cycle of existence and thus worthy of compassion.
4. The Evil Spirits who cause harm to people in order to repay the negative karmic debt accumulated in the previous lifetimes.
The incense smoke is visualized as innumerable kinds of congenial items of enjoyment and presented to these recipients in whatever forms and shapes they wish to have. The offering of incense-smoke is thus an exercise of charity and meditative visualization.
Incense as a fumigant
Incense-burning is also a very well known technique of fumigation. The incense sticks and powder contains herbal ingredients that have fumigating qualities. In addition to the power of the substances, the smoke is invested with blessings of meditative visualization and powerful mantras. Incense smoke is then used by religious people to cense holy objects, pacify spirits, to treat ill persons and to purify negativities. It is for this reason, the Bhutanese word for censing, sang, also connotes cleansing and purification. Incense is also used to placate malicious spirits and assuage the wishes of various deities.
Incense as a therapy
Composed of a wide range of herbal ingredients, incense also has a powerful therapeutic value. It can be used in aroma-therapy to relax the body and calm the mind. It helps nourish and stabilize the psycho-somatic composition of the human being. The aroma of the incense stimulates the senses to unlock the energy channels, mobilize vital air, and release internal bliss.
Wikipedia Info On Offerings (Buddhism) -
Chinese Information On 烟供 -烟供

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For More Info: Email/Whatsapp to: / +65 90254185

Basic Information:
This special mixture of incense powder & herbs is made with pure and natural ingredients and is 100% chemical free.
Size: around 150+ grams each pack~ 1 to 1.5 months usage for daily offering

General Instructions - How To Use Our Empowered Incense Powder For Offering To Buddha, Gods, Karmic Creditors & Your Amulets/Magic Oil/Wax ???
Step 1. Prepare a metallic pot for burning and put some incense powders into the pot
Step 2. Start to burn the incense powders
Step 3. Chant the mantra and pray to offer
All Mantra and instruction will be provided in full details for best offering.
Step 1. Prepare a metallic pot for burning and put some incense powders into the pot
Step 2. Start to burn the incense powders
Step 3. Chant the mantra and pray to offer
All Mantra and instruction will be provided in full details for best offering.
General Effects & Usages:
This special empowered incense powders will help one with the following magical effects/benefits when lighted everyday:
1. Increases your attractiveness to the opposite sex; Get ride of bad lovers or romances problems
2. Heightens your love blossom luck and increases the chance of a good marriage
3. Be super likeable and loveable by everyone; Gains popularity among your peers and gets doted by elderly
4. Adds sweetness to a relationship and helps dissolve the concern of extramarital affairs or get ride of third parties
5. Aids in connecting with your children and parents/children-in-law (Improve relationship with your mother/father-in-law)
6. Enhances your work, career, job progression and ultimately your wealth luck
7. Increases your business network and brings your public relations contacts closer to you
8. Increase your communication and convincing power
9. Enhances a supervisor’s leadership skills, and helps increase your subordinates’ efficiency
10. Increases the chance of promotion at your workplace and gets the acknowledgement from your boss. Improve Superior-Subordinate Relationships and reduce conflicts wit your boss.
11. Helps you to relax and soothe your mind. Calm and reduce your stress. (Can be used by people who have stress or anxiety disorder)
11. Helps you to relax and soothe your mind. Calm and reduce your stress. (Can be used by people who have stress or anxiety disorder)

Background Of Incense/Smoke Offering -
The Smoke Offering" is also known as "The Pure Offering". It was developed in the period of Sakyamunni, and was introduced by Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava) to Tibet. At that time, The Smoke Offering got rid of many different kinds of evil. The Smoke Offering helped Buddhism prosper, so the people were able to live happily and healthily.
The fundamental principle of Vajrayana practice is to integrate compassion (Karuna) and enlightened wisdom (Paramita) in order to liberate all sentient beings from suffering. Every Dharma practice in Vajrayana always follows these two principles.
The "Smoke Offering" was also introduced based on the above teaching. The basic essential spiritual power of The Smoke Offering is based on the Dharma prayers' truly pure heart of compassion. Then extend the true heart of the prayers, to realize the suffering and needs of the sentient beings from the Six Realms who would like to demolish all of their sins. Also, to help liberate the bardos (those souls who are shapes of an inter-median state) depart from this world and be re-born in The Pure Land, or as a higher level being in order to reach enlightenment.
As a result of very strong vows of compassion from the contributors of the offering and the dharma prayers, all of the Buddhas, Bodhisattva, Dharma protectors, Gods, and attained beings around the whole universe will automatically bless, support, protect and help you.
Incense-smoke is not only an offering of fragrant smell but it forms a medium for visualization of a much greater and multifarious offering. The incense and other substance to be burnt are first purified through a deep meditative dissolution into the state of Emptiness. Then, the billows of smoke, which illusorily arise from the expanse of Emptiness, are transformed through a meditative projection into immeasurable clouds of wonderful items of offering.
The clouds of offering are then multiplied to cover the entire universe and presented to the various objects of veneration and offering.

Buddhist literature classifies the recipients of the offering into 4 categories of guests:
1. The enlightened beings such as the Buddhas who are objects of veneration.
2. The celestial deities such as the Dharma Protectors who possess noble qualities.
3. The Sentient Beings of six realms, who are suffering in the cycle of existence and thus worthy of compassion.
4. The Evil Spirits who cause harm to people in order to repay the negative karmic debt accumulated in the previous lifetimes.
The incense smoke is visualized as innumerable kinds of congenial items of enjoyment and presented to these recipients in whatever forms and shapes they wish to have. The offering of incense-smoke is thus an exercise of charity and meditative visualization.
Incense as a fumigant
Incense-burning is also a very well known technique of fumigation. The incense sticks and powder contains herbal ingredients that have fumigating qualities. In addition to the power of the substances, the smoke is invested with blessings of meditative visualization and powerful mantras. Incense smoke is then used by religious people to cense holy objects, pacify spirits, to treat ill persons and to purify negativities. It is for this reason, the Bhutanese word for censing, sang, also connotes cleansing and purification. Incense is also used to placate malicious spirits and assuage the wishes of various deities.
Incense as a therapy
Composed of a wide range of herbal ingredients, incense also has a powerful therapeutic value. It can be used in aroma-therapy to relax the body and calm the mind. It helps nourish and stabilize the psycho-somatic composition of the human being. The aroma of the incense stimulates the senses to unlock the energy channels, mobilize vital air, and release internal bliss.
Wikipedia Info On Offerings (Buddhism) -
Chinese Information On 烟供 -烟供

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