Great Mantra For Everyone To Chant ~
Phra Katha Chinabunchorn Mantra is chanted by almost everybody in Thailand, and is
considered to be one of the most Sacred Kata available for Chanting. The scripture
text consolidated the divine powers of Budhha, the 500 Arahant and the
Immortals from Heaven to protect those who recite the scripture text.
How did this Katha come about?
There are three different version of history
linking it to Phra Somdej Toh of Wat Rakang Kositaram -
The first version is the Chinabunchorn Mantra
is given to Phra Somdej Toh by a Sri Lanka Buddhism monk on a visit to
The second version is a Deva came into the
dream of Phra Somdej Toh and tell him that there is a great Mantra buried
somewhere around Wat Rakang Kositaram. After showing Phra Somdej Toh the
location of the buried Mantra the Deva disappear. The next day when Phra Somdej
Toh was awake he dug the spot that the Deva has point out and he found the
Chinabunchorn Mantra. As the Mantra has been buried for century under the
Temple, some of the words are unreadable. So the great Phra Somdej Toh have to
mediate to recreate the lost wording.
Third version of the myth is that Katha
Chinabunchorn was composed by a Phra Thaera from Chiang Mai whose name is not
recorded in the Mantra history.
Preparation Before Chanting (optional) -
When learning to recite the Katha, devotee must
recite it on a Thursday, have his/ her body cleansed and wear only clean
clothing. Nine joss-sticks must be lighted and offered before the Buddha and
any other Deities at the altar in your home. Fresh jasmine flowers or any other
5-coloured flowers are to be place before the holy image.
Effects From Praying Mantra -
You will have a consciousness all the time.
You will have a good health.
You will have a peaceful mind.
You will have a better life.
(Note: Do Good Deeds/Merits*)
Katha Chinabunchorn
Namotassa Bagawato Ahrahato Samma Samputassa ( x3)
Putta GarMoLa PayPutTung TaNaGaMoLa PayTaNung AutThi
GarYay GarYar YarYa TayWaNung PiYaTung SootTaWa
Cha Ya Sa Na Ka Tha , Puttha Chay Ta Wa MarRung SaWa
HarNung , Jattu Sutja SaPung Rasunk Yay Pivingsu Na Ra Sa Pa
Tun Hung Ga Ra Ta Yo Putta AudTaVee SaThi NaYaGa , SupPay
PaThidTiTar MaiHung Mud Ta Gay Tay Muss Nis Sa Ra
See Say PaThiThidToh MaiHung Puttho Dhummo TaViLoJaNay ,
Sunkho PaThiThidToh MaiHung AuRay Sappa KuNaGaRo
HaTaYay May ArNuRutTho SareePutTho Ja TukKhiNay ,
GohnTunYo PhidThiPar KusSaMing MokKunLaNo Ja Wa Mar Gay
TukKhiNay SaWaNay MaiHung ArSoong ArNunTaRaHuLo , GusSaPo
Ja MaHaNaMoh AuPaSoong WaMaSoTaGay
GaySunTay PhidThiPar KusSaMing , SuRiYo Wa PaPungGaRo ,
NiSinNo SiRiSumPunNo , SoPiTo MuNi PoongKaWo
GuMarLa GusSaPoh TayRo , MaHaySee JitTa Wa Ta Go , So
MaiHung WaTaNay NidJung , PhaThidThaSi KuNaGaRo
PoonNo AungKuLiMarLoJa AuParLee NunTaSeeWaLee , TayRa
PunJa E May ChaTa NaLaTay ThiLaGar Ma Ma
SaySarSeeThi MaHaTayRa ViShiTar ChiNaSaWaGa , A Tay
SeeThi MaHaTayRa ChiTaWunTo ChiNoRaSa , ChaLunTar SeeLaTayChayNa
AungKaMungKaySu SunThiTar
RaTaNung PuRaTo ArSi , TukKiNay MetTaSootTaGung ,
TaChakKung PudShaTo ArSi , WaMay AungKuliMarLaGung
CunTaMoRa PaRitTunJa , ArTar NarThiYa SoodTaGung ,
ArGarSay ShaTaNung ArSi , SaySar PaGarRaSunThiTar
Chi NaNa WaRaSunkYootTha , SudTupPaGarRa LungGaTar ,
WaTaPidTa ThiSunChaTa , ParHeRutChaShutTu PudTaWa
ArSaySar ViNaYung YunTu , ArNunTa ChiNaTayChaSar , WaSaTo
May SaGitJayNa , SaTar SumPutThaPunChaRay
ChiNaPunChaRa MutChumaHe ViHaRunTung MaHee TaLay, SaTa
PaLenTu Mung SupPay Tay MaHaPuRiSarSaPar
ItJayWaMunTo SuKootTo SuRukKho , CheNarNuParWayNa
CheTuPudTaWo , DhumMaNuParWayNa CheTarReSunkKho , SunkKaNuParWayNa CheTunTaRaYo
, SudDhumMarNuParWa Parrithtoh JaRaMi ChiNa Pun Cha Ray Thi
China Punchara Paridtung Mungrukkhatu Suppatha
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