Interesting News/Facts - 80-90% of animals 'released' on Vesak Day die within a day

Re-Sharing !!!

Before You want to "release" animals for making merits like what many Guru Masters* have told you...Please think twice !!!

There are many other means to gain merits....

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"Venerable Kwang Phing from the Singapore Buddhist Federation said the practice of animal release has been misinterpreted. He said: "You release an animal only to save it if it is in danger, and not order them from a shop to release.""

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Protect Animals Today !!! -

A week before Vesak Day in 2004, rangers at the Central Catchment Nature Reserve found more than 100 dead quails

According to a previous NParks advisory, about 80 to 90 per cent of released animals will die within a day.