Background Info Of Plow Share Amulet -
Thai occultism regarding the phān-thai (plow share) and its use for breaking curses and turning misfortune into good fortune.
According to ancient beliefs, a phān-thai that has been extensively used and retired carries mystical properties capable of cleansing bad omens and reversing negative energies.
Uses of the Phān-Thai -
1. Placement for Protection:
Bury it at the main entrance of a house.
Install it above the doorway.
Place it on an altar for worship.
2. Holy Water Ritual:
Soak it in water to create sacred water for drinking and bathing.
This practice is mentioned in the Tripitaka (Buddhist scriptures), where it is recorded that when Ananda was under the influence of a love spell cast by a woman infatuated with him, the Buddha advised the monks to soak a used phān-thai in water and let Ananda drink it to break the enchantment.
3. As a Protective Amulet:
Small pieces can be carried as powerful talismans for protection, ensuring safety and turning misfortune into good luck.
General Enhancements & Effects:
- Attracts Superb Wealth Fetching, Windfall, Money, Investment & Sales/Business Luck
- Overcome Debts and Financial Obstacles (For Retaining & Prevent Unnecessary/Unexpected Outflow Of Wealth & Money)
- Boosting Your Good Luck Greatly; Change Bad To Good Luck; Be Successful In Life
- Attracting More New Opportunities & Benefactors into your life to support & help you
- Blessed with Positive Energy to promote healthy state (Longevity) & calm user
- Protection against any harm, negativity & assets losses (Guard Your Home)
Tailored For Those:
- For great boost of businesses, increasing sales and attracting more customers
- To use the ability to develop new avenues of wealth growth, this amulet will boost the likelihood of windfall luck (Lotteries/Investments)
- Wearer in very bad state (Business Failure, Unemployed, In Huge Debts to repay, Family Issues and etc.)
All general enhancements & effects are a basic guide for users to understand the general usages and energy base of each item.
I would like to re-emphasis all different magic amulets/charms/wax are made with different magic subjects and ingredients producing different level of energy to help the wearer to achieve their goals or needs in life.
For Example - Buddha XXX amulet contain different energy base as Buddha XYZ, although both have the same common name or category. Common mistake is to believe all amulets with same common name contain the same energy for enhancements.
Please use all my magic amulets for the right purpose, don’t abuse the magic of the amulet to harm others.